The new, impressive mural for the sustainability of cities in the «shadow» of the Acropolis

ακρόπολη τοιχογραφία

Municipality of Athens: The new, impressive mural for the sustainability of cities in the “shadow” of the Acropolis

The project is inspired by the UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 entitled “Sustainable Cities and Communities.”

A new large-scale mural on Kallirois Street attracts the eye to this key part of the city, right under the Acropolis. In the context of its strategy for a sustainable and resilient city, the Municipality of Athens introduced, through the City of Athens Development and Destination Management Agency (ADDMA), a large mural that adorns the wall of the Athenian Callirhoe Hotel.

This impressive work created by street artist Atek (George Skourlis) vividly represents one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, the “Sustainable Cities and Communities” (Goal 11). Placing emphasis on the city inhabitants, the mural with its bright colours, which can be seen from afar by those walking or driving along Kallirois Street, under the Acropolis, aims to highlight the present need to create sustainable cities. 

Goal 11 includes, inter alia, reducing environmental impact, access to green spaces for all, adequate, safe and affordable housing, and the protection of cultural and natural heritage. According to the relevant announcement, the mural “sends a resounding message about the need to achieve the Goalwhile reminding the municipal’s comprehensive action plan for a sustainable and resilient city.

In the context of this strategy, one of the primary goals is the revival of urban green spaces by utilizing every available centimetre of public space in the centre and neighborhoods of Athens: From the implementation of small-scale projects, such as the “pocket” parks that green and beautify the districts of the city to larger projects, such as the radical remodelling of the National Garden, Strefi Hill, the Platos’ Academy, the double re-development in Alexandras Avenue and the Botanicos district. Furthermore, to achieve the Goal, Athens cooperates with the World Council for Sustainable Tourism (GSTC) to be certified as a sustainable destination.

As part of ADDMA’s cooperation with eλc productions for the promotion of Goal 11, “Sustainable Cities and Communities”, a 5-minute TV video will be shown shortly on ERT3’s “Generation 17” show (also available through the ERTFLIX platform) as well as a podcast, produced by eλculture in which the Mayor of Athens, Kostas Bakoyannis analyzes the strategy of the municipality for a resilient city. Both actions are dedicated to Goal 11, “Sustainable Cities and Communities”, and focus on Athens, the challenges of the modern era, and the solutions being developed today to make the city more resilient.

We all desperately need a “nest” city to feel safe and, simultaneously, have the opportunity to become who we want to be. This is a big challenge for 21st century Athens. The goals of sustainable development, which may sound specific or distant, eventually make sense as we make these goals part of our daily lives, all these small things that create the bigger picture. […] We want to incentivize the permanent residents to stay and new residents to return to Athens. Creating, delimiting and redistributing public space is catalytic but not always easy. In Athens, like most world cities, the “battle” focuses on available square meters. These square meters, quality public space, green spaces, sustainable, resilient public space are what can eventually make the difference”, stated, among others, the Mayor of Athens, Kostas Bakoyannis, in a podcast, on the occasion of the creation of the mural.

The new mural in Kallirois Street is part of a series of visual interventions of the Municipality of Athens with large-scale murals adorning school walls (From the Roots to the Sky project) and public and private buildings in the city (ongoing project). Web:

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