Conceived and directed by Gil Marsalla, the show “Piaf! The Show” has been described by Edith Piaf’s dear friends, such as Ginou Richer and Charles Aznavour, as “…the most beautiful tribute ever paid to Edith Piaf’s career.”
In 2017, the ultimate tribute, “Piaf! Le Spectacle,” sold out at Carnegie Hall in New York and at Olympia in Paris, featuring the iconic participation of Charles Dumont, the creator of some of the legendary star’s greatest hits.
In two 45-minute parts, “Piaf! The Show” tells the story of Edith Piaf through her unforgettable songs, with original staging and projections of never-before-published images of Edith Piaf.
A magnificent performance that continues to make history as the greatest French success on a global scale!
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