Sunday, February 19, 2023, 10:00 – 18:00 | Gasholder 1. Auditorium “Miltiadis Evert.”
The Institute for Relational & Group Psychotherapy, The Therapy Tree – EKISYP and Psychopleusi, under the auspices of the City of Athens, are organizing a Workshop on “The abuse-related trauma and its reparation. Fantasy or Reality?”
The Workshop will take place on Sunday, February 19, 2023, from 10:00 to 18:00 at the Technopolis City of Athens, Gasholder 1. Auditorium “Miltiadis Evert.” with free entrance and simultaneous live streaming.
Of all the feelings: love, sorrow, envy, hatred… pain, physical and mental, is the emotion most difficult to put into words. Therefore, the City of Athens, well aware of the significant issue of abuse, will co-create, with the contribution of the three therapeutic and educational institutes, a meeting place where the individual will meet the collective.
By offering a relational psychoanalytic and group therapy perspective, The Institute for Relational & Group Psychotherapy will raise public awareness of how our society perpetuates the trauma of LGBTQI+ people and other oppressed minorities. In addition, we will see how to intervene through the recent book “The Executioner of Envy” (in Greek only) and the demonstration of active group therapy.
The Therapy Tree- EKISYP, a well-recognized institute with experience in collective trauma, will attempt an experiential approach of Relational Psychodrama, the connection of the individual with the whole as a group in the “here and now”, trying in this way to move away from the passive attitude of the fantasy and become activated in the face of the experience of abuse.
Psychopleusi aims to highlight invisible abuse and other forms of it through the therapeutic room, focusing on the intergenerational transmission of violence. Furthermore, the interdisciplinary dialogue between a therapist /criminologist for comprehensive information on abuse issues will be equally important.
Detailed information about the Workshop, the program and the registrations can be found at www.imeridapsy.gr. The Workshop is mainly addressed to professionals and students working in mental health. Participation is free of charge, on a first-come, first-served basis. Seats are numbered and limited. Participants will be sent attendance certificates in their registration emails.