Save the date for September 9. There is no reason to be anywhere or do anything else. It is the name day of Clementine, Menodora, Pulcheria, and Clement. Happy name day to all. It is also the day of Spyros Grammenos’ concert at the Technopolis. He will be there, throwing a fantastic party for his friends. Spyros Grammenos, known for his satirical and intense socio-political songs, is inviting us to celebrate the end of an adventurous summer!
An evening full of surprises!
Participating Musicians:
GiorgosKardianos – Guitars
Kostas Michalos – Guitars
Christos Kalkanis – Clarinet, Synthesizer
Natalia Kokosi – Percussion instruments, Irish Flute
HarisParaskevas – Drums
Contact persons – AlexandrosKaramalikis, Gina Fountoulaki
Production Organization – Costas Detoros
Production – Novelvoxwww.novelvox.com.gr
Sponsor – The Press Project www.thepressproject.gr