The Municipality of Athens, through Athens Culture Net, organizes free cultural activities in the neighborhoods of Athens! After Kypseli, from June 14 to June 30, 14 new happenings will be organized in one of the most popular neighborhoods of Athens, Pagrati.
The National Theatre and the Friendship Clubs of the Municipality of Athens, the Intercultural Choir of the Greek National Opera and El Sistema, the Byzantine and Christian Museum and the Herakleidon Museum, the Athens Conservatoire, the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation, the 4th Elementary School and the Cervantes Institute, the Hellenic Children’s Museum, the Michael Cacoyannis Foundation, the Athens Digital Arts Festival, the TAKIS Foundation, as well as the Apletoi Khpoi and Balkans Beyond Borders come together to bring original cultural activities and workshops to Pagrati.
The Proskopon, Varnava and Messolonghiou squares are getting into a summer mood with music, choirs, events, and digital projections.
European Music Day is celebrated with a tribute to the world-renowned Greek composer, Yiannis Xenakis, celebrating the 100th anniversary of his birth. At the same time, the fans of Lillipopolis and Manos Hadjidakis will meet – where else – at the composer’s favourite haunt, Proskopon Square, in an event with lots of music and unique stories, attended by musicians Giorgos Kouroupos and Nikos Kipourgos.
“We bring culture to neighbourhoods! Every day, with initiatives like this one, together with the Athens Culture Net, we support neighborhoods, the living cell of our city, and highlight their unique history, multiculturalism, and dynamic present. We give the floor to creative teams and share the dreams and memories of the residents. We make culture a vehicle that unites, promotes openness and accessibility for all.” Kostas Bakoyannis, Mayor of Athens.
Detailed program:
JUNE, 14 – 30, 2022
Spanish Film Night by the Cervantes Institute
El Bola , Achero Mañas 2000, 90′
It was awarded 3 Goyas: best film, best new actor (Juan José Bayesta) and best original screenplay.
Venue: 4th Primary School of Pagrati, Kononos and Theagenous St. Starting time: 19.30. Free entrance
THEATRE WORKSHOP: “…and the words will come”.
The National Theatre collaborates with the Friendship Clubs and the Mayoralty of Social Solidarity and Civil Society.
The workshop will highlight the potential of those in the mood for play and creative expression. Participants will create small theatrical events, drawing on their life experiences, their interaction and deeper bonding with each other. The workshop encourages socialization and collectivity after a painful period of isolation and loss.
Head of Workshop: Natassa Sfendylaki
Venue : Friendship Club of Pagrati, 12 Pratinou St, 11634
Time : 10.30- 12.30
This is Lilipoupoli! By Athens Conservatoire
Giorgos Kouroupos, Nikos Kipourgos, Dimitris Marangopoulos and Haris Xanthoudakis, old associates and friends of Manos Hadjidakis, will gather at their old haunt, the “Magemenos Avlos (Magic Flute)” and will chat about Manos, music, the creation of Lillipopolis, and much more. Students in the National Conservatoire’s Contemporary Music Department of Larisa Iasonidou will also be there.
Venue : Magemenos Avlos, Proskopon Square
Starting time: 20.00
Free entrance
“We are the place”, BBB in the neighborhood Vol VI
Screening of selected Short Films about the dialectical relationship between man and the urban landscape, the crucial role of our habits and daily life, and their impact on shaping it. After the screening, the filmmakers will have a discussion with the audience.
Venue: 4th Primary School of Pagrati, Kononos and Theagenous St.
Starting time: 19.30
Free entrance
THEATRE WORKSHOP: “…and the words will come”.
The National Theatre collaborates with the Friendship Clubs and the Mayoralty of Social Solidarity and Civil Society.
The workshop will highlight the potential of those in the mood for play and creative expression. Participants will create small theatrical events, drawing on their life experiences, their interaction and deeper bonding with each other. The workshop encourages socialization and collectivity after a painful period of isolation and loss.
Head of Workshop: Natassa Sfendylaki
Venue : Friendship Club of Pagrati, 12 Pratinou St, 11634
Time : 10.30- 12.30
“What is art, what is beautiful or ugly, in the age of information technology?”.
The Byzantine Christian Museum collaborates with the Herakleidon Museum.
Open discussion on how big concepts change and how each generation’s gaze differs. Participants: professor of philosophy and president of the Institute of Philosophy & Technology, Yannis Stamatellos, PhD and from the BXM, the director, Ms Pari Kalamara, and the head of the Department of Collections of Images, Frescoes, Mosaics, Copies, Manuscripts, Anthographs, Ms Phaedra Kalafati.
Venue: Byzantine and Christian Museum, 22 Vasilissis Sofias Avenue.
Starting time: 19.30
Free entrance
The “Orchestra of Kypseli” of El Sistema Greece… in Pagrati!
Can children and young people of different nationalities and cultures who do not speak the same language form a well-tuned orchestra? Of course, they can! El Sistema, Greece’s open rehearsal, proves that music is an international language and a powerful tool for social inclusion.
Venue: Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation, 13 Eratosthenous St, Pagrati, Greece
Starting time: 12.30
Free entrance
The GNO Alternative Stage’s Intercultural Choir in the neighbourhoods of the world!
The Intercultural Choir, celebrating its fourth anniversary since its creation, continues its exciting multicultural journey. Unforgettable songs and melodies from the traditional music of its members’ countries of origin (it already has over 25 members) enrich its repertoire, which is constantly becoming wider.
Venue: Messolonghiou Square, Pagrati
Starting time:20.00
Free entrance
22 June
THEATRE WORKSHOP: “…and the words will come”.
The National Theatre collaborates with the Friendship Clubs and the Mayoralty of Social Solidarity and Civil Society.
The workshop will highlight the potential of those in the mood for play and creative expression. Participants will create small theatrical events, drawing on their life experiences, their interaction and deeper bonding with each other. The workshop encourages socialisation and collectivity after a painful period of isolation and loss.
Head of Workshop: Natassa Sfendylaki
Venue : Agios Artemios Friendship Club, 16 Meteoron and Damareos St, 11631
Time : 10.30- 12.30
Free entrance
“The tales of the colourful feathers” by Michael Cacoyannis Foundation.
Fairy tales from the oral tradition of Greece and other peoples, where nature plays a key role. The stories are interwoven with traditional songs, taking us on a journey to magical forests and green landscapes full of melodies that we are all invited to sing.
A creative flower-making workshop will follow.
Narrator: Calliope Liadi.
Mixed audience : 5-105 years old
Venue: Pagrati Park
Starting time: 19.00
Free entrance
THEATRE WORKSHOP: “…and the words will come”.
The National Theatre collaborates with the Friendship Clubs and the Mayoralty of Social Solidarity and Civil Society.
The workshop will highlight the potential of those in the mood for play and creative expression. Participants will create small theatrical events, drawing on their life experiences, their interaction and deeper bonding with each other. The workshop encourages socialization and collectivity after a painful period of isolation and loss.
Head of Workshop: Natassa Sfendylaki
Venue : Agios Artemios Friendship Club, 16 Meteoron and Damareos St, 11631
Time : 10.30- 12.30
Free entrance
“Magnetic sculptures”!, Takis Foundation educational workshop
An interdisciplinary approach to knowledge and experiential learning that stimulates the senses and poses questions that promote the creative free expression of children while at the same time allowing them to come into contact with the visual work of the world-famous Greek artist Takis.
Ages: 9 – 12 years old
Venue: Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation, 13 Eratosthenous Street, Pagrati, Greece
Starting time: 11.00
Free admission following an online reservation on the Goulandris Museum website.
“In the city, the sound of a line”, Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation
workshop for children.
Through body and sensory activation, walking and artistic activities, participants will activate the museum’s public space, be presented with important works of art from the Basil and Elise Goulandris collection and create their own map based on their own stories.
Ages: 3+
Location: Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation, 13 Eratosthenous Street, Pagrati, Greece
Starting time: 18.30
Free admission following an online reservation on the Goulandris Museum website.
“Ecopolis”, Hellenic Children’s Museum educational activity
In how many different ways can we protect the environment? Through a floor game, children are made aware of environmental protection issues, familiarised with methods of ecological behaviour at home, school, and the park and reflect on how they can contribute.
Venue: Athens Conservatoire, in front of the entrance of the Children’s Museum of Athens
Starting time: 11.00-15.00
Free entrance
“Supper at Pagrati”, Apletoi Khpoi
Street performance, inspired by an open table in interaction with passers-by, drawing ideas and narratives from the famous play, “The Supper” by Iakovos Campanellis. The heroes of the Atreidae cycle are the participants, along with poets or artists whose life and work were associated with Pagrati.
Venue : Messolonghiou square
Starting times : 19.30 & 20.30
Free entrance
Selected exhibits by the Byzantine Christian Museum.
Live presentation of selected exhibits from the permanent exhibition by curators of the Museum’s collections. At the same time, visitors will be invited to participate with any memories they have of the arrival of the Asia Minor refugees in Pagrati in an effort to create a collection of unique archival material.
Vevue: Byzantine & Christian Museum, 22 Vassilissis Sofias Avenue.
Time: 10.30-12.30
Free entrance
“ADAF Open Air Screenings” by the Athens Digital Arts Festival
A central square in Pagrati is transformed into a giant summer cinema, exciting young and old through a selected programme of Animation and Video Artworks from the “FutuRetro” theme of the 18th Athens Digital Arts Festival.
Venue: Varnava square, Pagrati
Starting time:21.00-23.00
Free entrance