Music, dance, theatre, photography, visual arts, science, technology and all accessibility applications for people with disabilities will blend at Technopolis City of Athens from October 28 to 30, 2022. An event organized by nevronas.gr, Avali, Access Lab and the Association +oikia.
Did you know that one can play music with the eye? Did you know that there is a Greek film that won an award at Cannes this year? Are there limits to artistic creation, and who sets them? Is access to the arts equal for all? What does it mean to be a Professional Disabled Artist?
THEAMA, Eye Harp, Mariza Rizou, Dagipoli Dance Co, Bandokafenio, Manos Pyροvolakis, The Theatrical Group of Deaf “Crazy Colors”, Science Reactors, Stathis Drogosis, Jump – Ball of Love, Film Screenings, Karagiozis Singer, 1550, Black Light, Storytelling, MariosSarellas, Music & Art 4All, Nikos The Magician, Workshops, Nevronas Talks, Makis Tsigantes, Phono Quest, The Petals of Peace, DJ set, Agia Skepi, Theatre Games, Exhibitions, The PETAGMA, Amymoni, VR Planet.
Three days full of theatre, music, dance, exhibitions, cinema, workshops, talks, discussions of inclusive interest and an open invitation to all to attend, see, listen and discuss how people with and without disabilities coexist, create and take joy through arts and culture.
In this 3-day Inclusion Festival at Technopolis-the most vibrant cultural space in the heart of Athens, open and accessible to all-we will #Exist_together, get to know the mixed artistic and non-artistic groups and artists active in Greece, hear about methods, ways of cooperation and accessibility issues, thus making the concept of Inclusion not separate and exceptional, but an integral part of our social and cultural reality.
Our dominant driving concept is that disability is not a barrier but a challenge! We need your support to achieve this!
Part of the Festival’s proceeds will be donated to Avali, the protection and social integration community for autistic children, adolescents and adults, which unites parents with children on the Autism Spectrum and beyond…
In certain activities, there will be a priority order. Due to the limited number of seats, you will be asked to indicate if you wish to attend them at the entrance.
Book your tickets here: https://www. viva. gr/tickets/festival/nevronas-festival-texnopoli-dimou-athinaion/