Thursday, March 23, 2023, | Gasholder 1 – Auditorium Miltiades Evert
Redefining Leadership for a Better World of Work
The impending recession, inflation and energy crisis are just some of the urgent current problems requiring immediate decisions by businesses while significantly affecting workers. The war in Ukraine, geopolitical shifts and demographics remain in the spotlight. The changes brought about in the world of work by the recent pandemic crisis are structural, thus shaping the next future of work in combination with the new challenges. Investments in Web 3.0 technology and artificial intelligence will radically change the workplace and everything we have known so far. Under the pressures of current crises, leadership and workers are called upon to adapt immediately, redefine their strategies and turn new challenges into opportunities.
Under the title “Redefining Leadership for a Better World of Work”, the conference attempts a holistic approach to all current trends shaping the new world of work.
Internationally acclaimed academics, representatives of European organizations and global bodies, distinguished business executives from the Greek market, and founders of important initiatives and original actions present and discuss all the Future of Work megatrends.
Topics of discussion: current crises and new challenges – human-centred leadership for a better future of work – remote & hybrid – employee benefits and recent trends – mental health and well-being – new technologies – Artificial Intelligence – Generational Management – Gen Z – new phenomena – lack of talent – Reskilling, upskilling, career mobility – prejudices that need to stop – the new workplace, etc.
The conference is addressed to all Human Resource Management executives, those managing groups of people and all those concerned about the future of work.
Information and registrations www.futureofwork.gr
Official Publication: HR Professional
Gold Sponsor: Edenred
Major Sponsor: Microsoft
Sponsors: Avocado Learning Experiences, STIRIXIS Group
Audiovisual Support: CONEQ