Lost Homelands

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Asia Minor Catastrophe and in the framework of the project “Culture is Athens”, the Railway Carriage Theater at Rouf co-organises with the Municipality of Athens through the City of Athens Culture, Sports and Youth Organization (OPANDA) an interactive art exhibition entitled ” Lost Homelands “, presented in collaboration with the Athens School of Fine Arts ( Sculpture Workshop A and 13th Studio of Painting), under the coordination of the Cultural Office of the Mayor of Athens.

The interactive exhibition “Lost Homelands” is a visual, choreographic and musical collaboration of Visual Arts, Contemporary Dance and Music artists. 

Drawing inspiration from the Railway Carriage Theater at Rouf, seventeen visual artists expand the dialogue introduced by the multidimensional “Lost Homelands” action. They touch upon concepts of concern to contemporary societies such as migration, movement, refugeeism, roots, travel, flight, return, solidarity, freedom, etc. They connect the uprooting and the wave of refugees of the Greeks of Asia Minor with the current dramatic global events finding similarities in human suffering, dead ends and the urgent need for modern societies to seek solutions with a focus on people and the hope for “rebirth”.

During the first four days of the exhibition (July 7, 8, 9 and 10), alongside the works exhibited in the open-air space of the Train platform, visitors will have the opportunity to attend choreographic and musical interactions with the works exhibited in the historic wagons of the Carriage Theatre, thus creating a three-dimensional “dialogue”. The exhibition’s themes and the Train become the backdrop for three dancers and a musician to collaborate in a live encounter with the artworks.


July 7- 27, 2022 (The exhibition will be closed on Mondays)

20.00 – 23.00

Free entrance

SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE (in alphabetical order)

Katerina Koskina PhD in History of Art – Museologist – Advisor to the Mayor of Athens on Culture

Tatiana Lygari Actress – Director – Artistic Director of the Railway Carriage Theater at Rouf

Assistant Professor Dr. Erato Hadjisavva Director of the 13th Studio of Painting of the Athens School of Fine Arts, President of the Department of Fine Arts


Yannis Psychopedis Painter – Professor Emeritus of the Athens School of Fine Arts



Sculpture Workshop A

Director: Professor Nikos Tranos, Rector of Athens School of Fine Arts.

Curator: Loukas Loukidis.

Natassa Angelaki, Niki Athanasopoulou, Maria Gavriel, Eleanna Demertzi, Marianna Bey, Yakinthi Metzikof, Agapi Myrsodeli, Nikos Orhanis, George Papadomanolakis, Eleftheria Papadouraki, Liana Papalexi, Maria Stavroulaki

“Potential Refugees”

13th Studio of Painting

Director: Assistant Professor Dr. Erato Hadjisavva President of the Department of Fine Arts of ASFA.

Coordination: Pericles Antonaropoulos, Vassilis Paphilis

Athena Misegianni

“No Title”

The work is in conversation with the choreographer-dancer Angeliki Petraki.

Eleni Nikolaou


The work is in conversation with the choreographer-dancer Zoe Efstathiou.

Steenia Paraskeva


 The work is performed with the choreographer-dancer Irini Apostolatou.


Christie Gregoriou – Vassiliadis

“… Smyrna…”

“in memory… a story to tell…”

“Unaccompanied I…”

“Unaccompanied II…”

Konstantinos Kontos

“Black Square”


Angeliki Loi

“The pink I didn’t forget”


Athena Michegianni “No Title”

The Music Wagon Orient Express

Angeliki Petraki choreography-performance

Athina Rutsi music editor- live singing

Performances: 20.30, 21.20, 22.10

Steenia Paraskeva “Remnants”

Theatre Wagon

Irini Apostolatu choreography-interpretation

Athina Rutsi music editor-live singing

Performances: 20.45, 21.35, 22.25

Eleni Nikolaou “Returns”

Cargo Wagon

Zoe Efstathiou choreography-performance

Athina Rutsi music editor-live singing

Performances: 21.00, 21.50, 22.40

Coordination of artists : Efthymis Christou

Dance performances require reservation: https://totrenostorouf.gr/gr/exhibition/


Railway Carriage Theater at Rouf

Tel. 210 5298922 & 6937 604988 daily (except Monday) from 19:00

Railway & Rouf Suburban Station, Konstantinoupoleos Avenue

10′ walk from Kerameikos Metro Station & from Agia Markellas Bus stop (buses 813, 026)

Free parking






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