Antiquity meets the eternal stars of the sky during this tour of the magnificent National Observatory of Athens. The walk covers the Western Hills of the Acropolis – Muses, Pnyx and Nymphs – and ends with observation of the night sky from the Doridis telescope at the National Observatory.
On the way, we will follow the famous walkways designed by the architect Dimitris Pikionis, and stop at historic monuments such as the church of Agios Dimitrios Loumbardiaris, the Heliotrope of Meton and the “prison” of Socrates. At the National Observatory, we will also see a modern replica of the famous Antikythera Mechanism, the world’s oldest computer.
This activity will only be available in English on May 25. Start time is 19:00
All other tours will be in Greek.
Reservations: +30 210 349 0160, +30 210 349 0036 (Monday to Friday 10:00-14:00)
The detailed program in Greek and English can be found at: https://cityfestival.thisisathens.org/